Marylebone Health (CHHP)

Congrats to Barry Trout on his amazing result at this year’s MDS

Congrats to Barry Trout on his amazing result at this year’s MDS

To Greg, Jim, James M, James V, Rob & the team,

Hope all well. I’m back from the Sahara & wanted to let you know that I managed to sneak home in under 40 hours and 257th place in the MDS! I don’t think I could’ve gone much faster so I’m very happy with that. You guys have been amazing; I had enough power and fitness to keep going and ran all the flats (except deep sand) and downhills on all days. Smashing the second half of the long day was a great pleasure!

Thank you for everything. The legs were absolutely bulletproof throughout and I got no DOMS or weakness. The calves were rock solid and never failed me. Brilliant !

Couldn’t have done it without you!


